MARRONE Cristina

I Inhibition of the act

I have often noticed, from the clinic of control analysis, that inhibition blurres the position of the analist and that this practice of the psicoanalysis asumes the ethical relevance that cooperating to allow the efficiency of the act reestablishing the analyst as the object for the phantom of his or her patient implies, position from which, in oral transference, sense in extraction of the letter.

Inhibition opposes as a stopper to the act as the residual core of jouissance. This is the concept that leads us not only to the paralysis of the ego, provided it concerns the object in the most inertial aspect of the phantom's grammar.
Here we may go over one of Lacan's latest appreciations on the subject when he wonders again, "what is inhibition? whatever Real makes us spin, gets away from us and it is surely owing to this that inhibition is produced in the aperture between the Imaginary and the Real"(1).

Now, if inhibition is produced in such aperture, jouissance is then accumulated in the range of the Real with the consequence of its adherence to the image and what I would call the marked detention in face of the lair of the Symbolic. It is then that the image is not generated from the lair or, similarly, that the position of the analyst does not tilt as a semblant and the temporariness of the transfer remains affected.
Eventhough narcisism is clarified from the analyst's analysis, this is normally not enough because jouissance always puts it in danger in the renewed encounter with the phantom of his/her patient every now and then. Thus, How is the lair clarified for the second hearing the analysis of transfer control implies?

II Regarding Masochism

In "The Economic Problem of Masochism" Freud points out that "erogenous masochism accompanies the libido in all the phases of its development and borrows its changing psiquic layers"(2). Consequently, in each of the stations of the tour of pulsion: oral, anal, falic , invocant and scopique, there would be a masochist sediment. Such sediment would be expressed as strength of empowering, power of attraction, adherence to the erogenous masochism that can affect the position of the analyst as far as the object in the phantom is concerned. Then, for the analyst it is not only the abstinence of power that the transfer grants him/her but also the struggle against the empowering that his/her excess can capture him/her in his role of subject, provided that from the inhibition, the Real makes us spin, it is necessary to say that masochism contributes with its share, it is the largest jouissance given by the Real"(3).

My statement above regarding a certain relation between the inhibition and the erogenous masochism, originally aims at questioning the belonging of masochism to preserve exclusiveness and therefore think of its effects affirmed in a wider clinical dormain.

It is here where Grumberger's statement becomes relevant, "there is a masochist bond in each neurosis"(4) bond, say, that will have to be questioned in each case because it outlines very different shades. Thus, it is not just a concept that is inscribed in the field of the neurosis as well, but, in my view, from the experience of the analysis of control, it shows its effects in the position of the analyst. Masochism is exactly what ties the subject to its saddle, the object to what in the phantom is repeated in its limit ,something of the derived condition from the a presubjective, first form of the object a remain without fall that remembers without words the instillation of the Other, maximum adherence that forbids to establish the aperture between the sense and the consequence of the act. It is there where masochism and inhibition meet, in its status of "object placed in the museum"(5).

In other words: the phantom is the regulator of wish but this does not always happen. That is why the experience of the analysis of control, which most of the times will have to clear their adherence to the a
presubjective to establish the position of the analyst as far as the phantom as regulator of wish.

Let us see what operates in the detention of the analyst's wish in terms of the direction of the cure. When this happens, what transference is it?. It is not the one that unfolds as a temporal texture in which wish transcribes but that we must understand as compensation, narcisist realization that affects momentarily, in the best cases, both patient and analyst.

Is it not that when Lacan places love as divine and Symbolic, love as corteous and Imaginary, bearing in mind the "masochism that binds body and jouissance "(6) in the boundaries of the Real, he offers us three cases in which love expels wish occupying its place? (7)
In this fashion, wish is placed out by compensated love: here lies the nuclear and dense side of love in the three names of transference, which I locate as resistence and to which the analyst shapes, getting entangled in the "benefit of jouissance masochism stands for"(8) in the belief that there is a relation.

III Regarding Invention

Because of the above, it is necessary to oppose the benefit of jouissance corresponding to the adherence of masochism to "the value of jouissance as resource to truth"(9) from the position of the analyst owing to the fact that if it does not dispose of such value, the desire of the analyst stops, weakens, in face of masochism, divine or corteous love.
How to battle against the binding of the presubjective a to allow the breaking of wish?.
How to trouble that empowering, the power that affects the darkest aspect of Real?
The analysis of control aims mainly at the recovery of invention. Since from the second hearing from a sublimatory effect, it clears, lifts the inhibition of the first hearing and with this, the visible is turned into legible, facing in this way the dullness of narcisism. It is then that the analytical performance on the side of the sublimatory function opens up towards a last cut and, probably because of that, first cut.
It finally implies that this practice ,that clears the position of the analyst, bases its final reason in that "The psycoanalysis be restituted"(10) again produced by the immediateness of each ocassion.
I considered the Momo of Michael Ende's constituted a good apologue for what I tried to transmit. Since the moment the Momo arrived at that city, the men were telling their stories and the children were playing, inventing every time. It is that the Momo was able to hear the silence, that quiet music the soul should not spare. One day, the grey men invaded the city stealing time from its inhabitants: men would not talk any more, children would not play. It was then that the Momo decided to consult Master Hour who, from its symbolic otherness indicated that the grey men lived in dead time. That is why it was necessary that men recovered their time. Momo, like the analyst, is summoned to clear the greyness, the dullness of narcisism in the chronic present without a past or future, in the static time of inhibition. Through that gap, which opens to temporariness, the act as rescue of invention turns out feasible (11).

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1-Lacan ,Jacques: Seminar "Moment to Conclude". Unpublished.Class 09.05.78
2-Freud ,Sigmund: "The Economic Problem of Masochism". Page 170. Volume XIX Amorrortu Editors
3-Lacan ,Jacques: Seminar 23."The Sympthom"Class 10-2-76.
4-Grumberger B: Esquisse d'une tèorie psychodinamique du masoquisme. Reviste francaise de Psychanalyse. Pag 193-5.Voume 18.Year 1954.
5-Lacan, Jacques: Seminar: "Anguish".Class 14-11-62.
6-Lacan, Jacques: Seminar "The Unwary do not Err".Class 18-12-73
7-Though differences can be found, it is possible to notice that G.Deleuze in "Presentation of Sacher Masoch", page 94, Taurus Editorial and B.Grumberger in his mentioned article, understand the masochist residues long as Real and as a consequence of a failed prohibition.
8-Lacan ,Jacques: Seminar "The Logic of the Phantom"Class 10-5-67.
9-Lacan, Jacques: Seminar "The Logic of the Phantom"Class 19-4-67.
10-Lacan, Jacques: L'Institution dite du Controle.Scilicet 6/7. Editorial Seuil. Pag 213.
11-Marrone, Cristina: Control Analysis. EFBA. 15-1-2000/"About Control Analysis". Convergence Workshop .Tucuman. May 2000.