DIAZ Guillermina

Might be because still resounds in me the enigmatic frase with wich Freud defined his discovery:" Not knowing he knows, believes to ignore it", that I'm interested in posing a work about the enigma in this Convergence Congress.

Now, what is a knowing, without knowing?, is an enigma between others.

An enigma between others. The dimenssion of the enigma is present in psychoanalysi's field under this form: paradox of a knowing not known that gets ordered as a speech. Analytic speech, concieved by Lacan as a new social bow, necessary condition for psychoanalysis transmission.

There was a time when making use of "Gradiva", Jensen's novel, and following Lacan's proposal in the seminary of the "analytic act"(1) , I could situate different ways of the appearence of the enigma. That is how I found three ways of interrogation wich I related with three moments of the cure.
I will rapidly mention them:
There is a time when what is heard is a lecture produced by the enigma of the relation with the Other, lecture made with the significants coming from the Other. I call that moment first moment or reading time.
Then I situated a second moment wich I called writting time, not without making clear that this time writes the relation between subject and object and is produced there even if follows the paths of an already marqued way.
And lastly, I situated a third moment taht could be named:"I get lost", as being the time when an act has been already produced, the subject is not the same and the ego looses sense.
The enigma is an enunciation that, while never finds a statement wich covers it totally, leaves open the access conditions not only to unconcious, but (and I understand this is decisive) to the function of the cause.

How could we not remember at this time Lacan's formulation wich locates the "enigma" as the place that interests to the efficacy of an analyst's intervention: the interpretation between enigma and reference.
Two registrations participating of a semi-saying... "Enigma then, as could be taken from the scheme of the analyst's speech, enigma that the interpreter can not compete by himself in no way. And by the other hand, the reference, also in the semi-saying dimenssion by its recurrence to whom is the author, the analysant." (2)

The analysant is called to do a work wich will be susteined by his saying. But happens that we don`t always find in prectice enigmatic saying wich displays some interrogation. If psychoanalytic clinic is "what is said in analysis", we could interrogate those situations where what is said does not open the dimenssion of the enigma that states the " make it said, remains forgotten behind what is said in what is heard". (3)

It is as if were possible to find the story of the facts themselves, closed over them " the fact of the fact".

Then I ask one question: ¿is it possible for a story not to be suspended by the enigma of enunciation?

I remember a young man, well disposed in words, from whom I'll take a part of the preliminary interviews, who lead me to think the relation or tension between enigma and family novel, since this seemed to be absent for this young man. An impotence episode made him came to consult. His presentation card "and nothing happened". Young professional, succesfull with women, during his puberty had a razing answer from real: two important looses occured in that time, the death of a dear person and an imposed family exile; this was brought to the consultance as history facts, under a certain indiference, inertia. He describes, not without showing some kind of exteriority, the story he tells is not his own, he's had no encounter with it. He can't take possesion of his memories. The tone with wich he tells the story is inclusivly soporific.
The word "empty" allways tourning round under some way of "comfortness" about not knowing what happened.
At tje same time, the "nothing happened" hurried an answer before any question was made. The absence of knowledge did not open access to the enigma, but transformed in joy the absence of knowing itself.
There is a reject to know, doesn't get to know, doesn't concludes, nothing happens.
This same position of exteriority is manteined during consultation, as if looking from outside.

Lets say for the moment, the enigma establishes a breach between joy and knowing that permits to find the furrow to seek some truth. ¿How to find that enigmatic dimenssion that surges from the lack of adecuation between enunciation and statement, if what happens is that "nothing happens" and that doesn't question him?
A dream comes to move this:
" I dreamt I had the car of my drams, I saw it and nothing happened to me, I was not happy nor sad, as if it were someone else's car, but it was mine! untill someone (no one particular) said with admiration: you bought an ...XXX!!!. When I heard the name all the emotion came at last, with vertigo and nausea. I woke up"
This dream proposes itself not only as an open figure to the interpretation of what the story lets hear: "the dream of dreams allows to keep sleeping".He wakes up when the trademark of the car is heard as the name of the ...XXX.
This dream puts the analyst in the track of a possible way of moving him.
Transmission to the analyst: it would be convenient to name.
Name, with all the weight of the voice when is heard.
Curl of invocating pulsion present in the analysant speech. Time when to go out of the univocal, or producing a diaplopia, is an effec produced not by cut, but by suture.
Is about naming. Cut or suture? wasn't it that the efficacy of the analyst's intervention was allways by cut? Shall this be an answer to that enigmatic saying, and for me almostt incomprehensible, of Lacan's affirmation in "Le sympthome" seminary, when he says:" we twach how to sew, to make a suture between sinthome and real, parasite of joy..wich is characteristic of our operation" . (4)

Or is simply necessary to point that when this young man produces this dram, is already included in transference the aperture way to the interrogation for desire.
The dram opens the door.
But the surprise, the discovery was to find such a strong reference, so literal, so the interpretation of a dream "could also indicate a way in the interventions". Means, that the analyst's position would be susteined and directed by the unconscious production.

In this point, about "finding a way", I prefer to be tought by analysants, as " what is tought in university..threatens with having no consecuences in real".

If the function of the analyst desire can not be said but with an "x" is because there's an enigmatic dimenssion of desire whose logic is shown in the specificy of our practice.


Agosto 2000


  1. Jacqques Lacan: Seminary Analytic Act, 6/12/67
  2. Jacques Lacan , Seminary L¨ Envers 17/12/69 The highlighted parts are mine.
  3. Jacques Lacan, Ecrits L´etourdit page 11. Traduction E.P.S.F.Rosario and E.F.B.A.
  4. Jacques, Lacan: Seminary Le sympthome 13/1/76